Archive for September, 2009

Yay I Got Penguin Storm 8

Posted in Uncategorized on September 29, 2009 by ameby

yay i got it its sooo cool here is the link its so fun you can make your self a bot you can be a copy bot and a follow bot its fun you should really get it ;P


2000 Hits Party Coming…….

Posted in Uncategorized on September 29, 2009 by ameby

Well im almost at 2000 hits but since im just starting back im going to wait till i get to 2500 hits so keep on coming so the party can happen


The Ninja Amulet

Posted in Uncategorized on September 28, 2009 by ameby

wow look at the ninja hideout Ninjaamuletas you can see they filled the hole and if you dont know once we master Fire Water and Snow we will be able to buy the Ninja Amulet it is shaped like that but its gold and we wear it on out necks i cant wait to go to the volcano its going to be great 🙂 i though they where going to fill the hole as we master the elements but i guess they did it all now well i hope we get to go to the volcano soon ;P


Costumes Coming!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 28, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

It’s almost time! The catalog that you guys wait for all year will FINALLY be at the Gift Shop on Friday! And the Halloween costumes in this year’s edition…well, let’s just say I’ve seen ’em and I’m pretty sure you’ll think they’re cool! I don’t want to give too much away, but I did get this for you guys to check out:BlizzardWizardHatSketch

What do you think? Can you see yourself pulling off some tricks or treats in that? Most of the costumes will only be around in this month’s catalog – so get your favorites early!!

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

i cant wait i by them i think i might be a member 🙂

Ninja Hideout!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 26, 2009 by ameby

sorry im REALLY late with this but from now on every thing that happens i will post about it and im trying to think of an easier way to post about cataloges if you have any ideas id really like to here them well later ;P

Hello Penguins!

You guys are definitely making the Ninja Hideout a busy place! It’s cool watching the giant wheel turn when someone uses their Cloud Wave Bracers…. and seeing all the items collected from the scavenger hunt being moved:

Ninja Unite

Doesn’t it make you wonder what Sensei’s doing with all that stuff? Don’t forget that Sept. 27 is the final day of the scavenger hunt (and some of the clues are tricky!) so if you want to help collect fiery items, you should get started!

Good luck, and Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

i cant wait to see what is going to happen. “the fire path” think about it maybe in the future there will be a water and ice path that sounds cool



Posted in Uncategorized on September 26, 2009 by ameby

Hello everyone I bet you all though i was gone for good but no im back and im here to stay I might not put too much posts cuz i dont have alot of time on my hands so if anyone wants to join just comment and i can make you an author but I am going to start updating so ill see you all later ;P
