I’m still alive

Posted in Uncategorized on May 20, 2011 by ameby

Hey anybody who’s reading this. Im surprised I actually still have people coming here every now and then. Its crazy.

So anyways if it isn’t already obvious im not using this blog anymore, I wont be updating on any Club Penguin news or any of that. But im not going to shut this blog down, not yet anyways. I might use it later. As of now im 15 and over the summer I plan on making a machinina with a few of my friends. Ill probably link it here once we get it out, just to try and get some extra views.

I just wanted to let those of you who come here every now and then know im not totally gone, im still around and about the internet. You might see me again sometime but not in the same way you’ve seen me here. So at that ill see you all later.

~Rai Draco~

Reviewed By You

Posted in Uncategorized on October 22, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

The big 4th Anniversary celebration’s almost here and we’d love if everyone would join the party this Saturday, October 24! Last week we asked about your favorite event from last year. Danjot1 said:

My favorite thing was definately the quest at the mideval party, who can forget that great solid gold armor, shields with the gleaming red jewel, and the gold helmet? And the shining pool of water in the last cavern and the most beautiful music… and the tree house! Oh I loved the dragon in the mine, me and my friends would stand beside it and before we would get hit by the fire we would wave our solid gold shields in the air and the dragon would be defeated! Those surely were some “knights” to remember!blogpic.22.10We heard from lots of you about how you like parties and getting ready for them.

As you know, the Anniversary celebration isn’t the only party’s that’s happening this month – The sky’s getting spooky and there’s definitely a ton of creativity happening with costumes and furniture! Halloween’s approaching fast and we wanna hear what you and your friends are getting most excited about…

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment! We’ll post one (50 – 75 words please) in next week’s Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week’s blog, we’ll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then…Waddle on!

Happy77 talks to a party planner!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 21, 2009 by ameby

Greetings, Penguins.

This Saturday is really exciting because it’s Club Penguin’s 4th Anniversary! We’re all stoked to party in the Town Center and Coffee Shop. I can’t wait to get the new hat. This’ll be my 4th!! I tried to get some info from some of the team who’s helping with the planning.party

Is it challenging to make such a HUGE cake for the Anniversary Party? Doesn’t it make you hungry?
It sure does. That is why being a cake maker requires extreme self control (but I did go home and make a giant cake anyhow…)!

What’s your fave party from the past year & why?
Definitely the Medieval party! Putting on my fish knight costume and waddling amongst the dragons and fellow gallant adventurers was an experience of epic proportions!

Lots of readers are really curious about the colors of the party hat this year. What can you tell us?
Haha, part of being a super party planner is not revealing secrets. I can tell you was that it was my favorite color combination ever! So I’m super excited to share! But not ’til Saturday.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see… Bring your friends and your best memories. Remember: One day only!

Until then…Waddle on!


Anniversary Party this Saturday!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 19, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

Hey – This Saturday, October 24th is Club Penguin’s 4th Anniversary Party and we hope you’re as excited as we are to celebrate!! There’ll be balloons and cake, a new party hat, and a brand new Yearbook in the Book Room.Yearbook 08-09 (sepia)So round up your buddies in the Town Center on Saturday – Join the one day only party!

Until then…Waddle on!


Halloween Igloo Contest!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2009 by ameby
Hello Penguins!

It’s finally arrived – the Halloween Igloo Contest! And just in time, there’s new furniture you can use to deck out your place.

For the first time this year, you’ll use a new “Enter Contest” button right from your igloo to submit it to the judges. They’ll be looking for igloos with just the right amount of haunted style… Just remember – more isn’t always better, but it’s definitely gotta be creative to catch their eyes! We’re already seeing some awesome igloos.igloo
The Halloween Party starts October 27th, and the first round of contest winners will be announced in the Club Penguin Times on October 29th.

If you aren’t decorating this year, why not grab a tour guide hat, some friends, and do some haunted igloo touring!! We’d love to know all the spooky stuff you and your buddies are up to.

Until then…Waddle on!


Reviewed By You

Posted in Uncategorized on October 16, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

Last week you came through with some cool igloo decorating tips. Here’s one that we thought was pretty creative:

When I decorate my igloo, I like to “make” my own decorations out of smaller ones. For example, I make a graveyard out of tombstones and spider webs that takes up the whole igloo. When I finish decorating, I throw a party with my buddies and we have a costume contest or act out an old Halloween story. My advice is to keep your igloo designs original and to have fun doing it!

Thanks, Katerstone! The new furniture catalog’s out tomorrow, so grab some new spooky stuff and start decorating for Halloween!halloween
By the way, Saturday, October 24 is Club Penguin’s 4th Anniversary Party and there’s gonna be a brand new Yearbook for you and your friends to check out. Coins for Change? Penguin Play Awards? Festival of Flight? So many things have happened this past year. We’d love to know what your favorite memory is.

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment! We’ll post one (50 – 75 words please) in next week’s Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week’s blog, we’ll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don’t forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then… Waddle on!


Screenhog on making stuff

Posted in Uncategorized on October 15, 2009 by ameby

Hi everyone – It’s Screenhog!

There’s a lot of Halloween spookiness going on around the island. The Halloween Igloo Contest is starting on Friday along with a new furniture catalog, and the team’s even been putting together more costumes for later this month. And speaking of costumes, we wanted to show you a little secret about something we do when we design clothing for penguins.

Remember the You Decide Poll with the rough art of the Gnome costume for the new November Stage? We got quite a few people asking why the penguins are always grey in these pictures. Some of you even asked if it’s a new penguin color that’s coming out!

It’s not a new penguin color… but we do put the clothes on grey penguins for a reason. Grey is neutral – which means it doesn’t look strange next to a different color. If we were to use a yellow or dark blue penguin all the time when we designed clothes, we might end up making a lot of clothing items that look really good on yellow or dark blue penguins, but nothing else! Using a grey penguin gives us the best chance of creating clothing items with colors that work on all penguins.Picture 1
What do you think? If you’ve got any secrets of your own for putting together costumes or decorating a spooky igloo, leave them in the comments.

Waddle on!


New Furniture Coming Soon!

Posted in Uncategorized on October 12, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

It’s time to get the island ready for Halloween – and that includes your igloos! I managed to get you a sketch of something that’ll be in the Better Igloos catalog – it comes out this Friday.furniture image.jpg
Can you think of a good place for that?

We hope you’ve had the chance to read about the Halloween igloo decorating contest in the newspaper. During past contests, lots of you have asked for a way to let the judges know that yours is ready – so the team’s made a special “submit” button. It’ll show up right in your igloo starting Friday, October 16. If you want more details, check out the Club Penguin Times – and make sure to look at the prizes…

Until then…Waddle on!


Mysterious Clouds

Posted in Uncategorized on October 11, 2009 by ameby

Hello Penguins!

Hey, have you seen the sky from the Dojo Courtyard yet? Check it out, because there’s something happening…

mysterysky.jpgAll very mysterious, don’t you think?

Until then…Waddle on!


Im Making Animations

Posted in Uncategorized on October 10, 2009 by ameby

Hello everyone im making animations I finaly fond out how I still dont know how to make it very clear and smooth and look to good so if any one has any advice I would love to hear it I may not be good but I did make this untitledfghjits pretty good so if you have any tips I would be very grateful later ;P
