Archive for April, 2009

Rockhopper in WDF

Posted in Uncategorized on April 19, 2009 by Chidori 456

I might see him. Thats my home state.

Hello Penguins!

Whenever Rockhopper lands in Club Penguin, things get exciting. You often let us know that you love hanging out with him! So we’re thrilled to share some very, very special news – our own pirate penguin, Captain Rockhopper, will be making an in-person appearance in Walt Disney World in Florida!! He’ll arrive at the park on April 30th and be there until May 13th. It’s a really special event for the community that’s possible because we’re part of the Disney family, and we’re really excited to hear what you think about it!


During the 2 weeks that Rockhopper’s in the Park, if you get the chance to go, we’d love to hear what it’s like meeting him in-person! We know not everyone will be able to be there, so we’ll be posting some updates straight from the event. And (just for fun) we were wondering… If you did get to see Rockhopper there in person, what would you say to him?


New Better Igloos Catolog

Posted in Uncategorized on April 17, 2009 by ameby

here is the pics and cheats for the better igloos catolog

first the cover ooo nice coverbettternow the first page we have alot of nice plantsigloocatand now a cheat for a new item the WHEELBARROW  just click the botom bush on the poodle plantwheelbarrownow the last of the plants and some nice pink items no cheats for this page gardeni like this one alot its a new coloring for the red collection its the Green Collectiongrenncatand thats the last of the new items but there is three more cheats click the word puffle for agian the white puffle posterwhitepostand number two the ice table just click the koi pond(not much to the pic though)iceeand the last one click the pinata for the aquariumaand thats all so i hope you will like all this new stuff i know i do so ultill next time later


Happy77 Asks A Artist

Posted in Uncategorized on April 16, 2009 by Chidori 456

Greetings Penguins!



We’ve got some new furniture coming tomorrow in the Better Igloos catalog. I got a glimpse and I thought I’d ask some questions so you could get a better idea about what’s involved in planning furniture fashion around here.


plant sketches_D.jpg


Where do you get your ideas for making furniture and items for igloos?
We love getting ideas from players and it’s fun to pay attention to what’s going on in the game. If players are saying they want something, we try to make it!



Have you ever considered making couches out of candy?
Yes. I remember there was talk about it around the holidays. So far we haven’t but we’ll have to wait and see.



What’s your fave furniture item of all time?
I really like the Koi Pond because of the animated fish. I have three in my igloo.



We’d love to hear any furniture items you’d love to see designed — Let us know.


Until then…Waddle on!


-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77 on April 16 2009 08:41


DS Club Penguin Game In Australia

Posted in Uncategorized on April 15, 2009 by Chidori 456
Hello Penguins! 

A lot of you have been asking when the Club Penguin DS game will find its way down under, and the team’s been working really hard to make it happen. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, keep your eyes out for the Elite Penguin Force game – it should be available this week!

cpds.jpgIn Other News:  There’s new igloo furniture coming this week. Check out the plants and gardening gear in the Better Igloos catalog that’ll be in your igloos on Friday!

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 15 2009 09:46


I Have a New Author

Posted in Uncategorized on April 15, 2009 by ameby

hey every one i have a new adition to the ameby kingdom and its chidoriboom so thx chidori i need the help so i hope you all will enjoy having chidori on the team and in other news i will probly have a new poll about my good bye phrase(agian)cuz Later Ameby im not really liking so i hope you will vote-Later Ame………. i guess for now bye

This is a Video my Sister Made

Posted in Uncategorized on April 7, 2009 by ameby

here is a video my sis carrotzs made its cool this will tell you not to play with fire i hope you have learned a lesson from this-Later Ameby