Archive for January, 2009

Yoda Ads Party

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 by ameby

wow i went to yoda ads party and i dident even know about it cool hu well here are some pics of it thay are mostly just a bunch of pplyoda yoda2 i couldent be his friend but it was still fun and here is proof i saw him!!!!!!!!!yoda-adsit was the best that makes two partys in one day and i dident even know about ether one of them lol lol lol

My New Look

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 by ameby

Finaly i found a outfit i like so for a while this is my new look this doesent mean I wont dress up it just means ill go back to this the background i dont really care about and the coins are not an editmy-new-look

Wexfief party pics

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 by ameby

awsome i was at a party with wex here are some of the pics

lokk im sled racing with wexme-and-wex1 and wex is serving me coffy i tiped himcoffey and now we are dancingparty1 i played wex in find four……..I lost he put the peice therefind-foure2 it was a great party he couldent be my friend but we acualy are friends-later Ameby

Look who i found

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 by ameby

look who i saw at the dock its wexfief  he couldent be my friend but he was cool his site is

just in case

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2009 by ameby

just in case you dident see my pin tracker here is where the pin ispin-a

Catologe pics

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2009 by ameby

ok here is the snow and sports catologe pics and there is one cheat if there is more ill post later.and number one some nice goalie gear

gole-gear and number two swining stuff and ballet stuffpage and aculy thats all the new clothes or is it?!?!?!?!? look new backgroundsa-page1and now the moment you’ve all been waiting for the snow and sports catologe cheat first a nice set of furnichure for your igloorock-pageand do you remember the sneek peek pic well it wuzent in the catologe but there wuz a climing wall so i put the two together and just click hererock-page2 AND!!!the-page WHAPA the hiking gear cool

New Snow and Sports Catologe

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2009 by ameby

the new snow and sports catologe is out today and here a pic of it i will have the cheats for it latersnow-and-sport-pic

NOOOO!! say its not so

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2009 by ameby

nooooo the paint by letters book has some bugs it stinks the club penguin ppl said there working hard to fix the bugs.Ill post when thay fix it until then bye

New Paint by Letters Book

Posted in Uncategorized on January 29, 2009 by ameby

yay for those of you who like paint by letters there is a new one coming out tomorrowpaintbyletterspic1Its called Lime Green Dojo Clean for you who don’t know how to do this this is how It’s a game where you can fill in words as they appear in the story. Sometimes you get a chance to choose words – and the penguin in the story will even be the same color as your penguin!
If you play, be sure to check out the pictures really carefully… You might find a few surprises.

Snow and Sports catologe update

Posted in Uncategorized on January 27, 2009 by ameby

oooo this looks so cool what do you think thay aresnow-and-sports-pic